Loading guidelines

Verladerichtlinien / Règles de Chargement

Load safety https://uic.org/freight/load-safety is one of the competence centers of UIC Freight Department; UIC has produced Loading Guidelines to clearly outline the key principles and technical recommendations for loading methods, which will ensure that goods reach the intended destination unscathed;

The UIC Loading Guidelines (LG) stipulate a state-of-the-art code of practice for all loading and securing of goods on wagons, thus serving as a vital safety reference for shippers and/or consigners.
Since 2022, the Loading Guidelines has been officially designated as ERA’s AMOC. Compliance with the Loading Guidelines, therefore, ensures that your cargo is safely secured and remains so during the journey to customer.

Loading Guidelines

Verladerichtlinien / Règles de Chargement (updated April 1, 2024)

The UIC Loading Guidelines currently consists of 2 substantial volumes, referencing all safe loading and securing of goods standards/measurements for wagons and units. The information accrued and documented focuses on the improvement of safety performance. The knowledge included is vast and comprehensive as the original dates back to 1922 when the first edition of the RIV was released. The many subsequent revisions of the text simply add detail or amend certain provisions, but never actually alter its founding principle.

LG Volume 1 offer principles containing the mandatory requirements to be observed for the safe loading and securing of goods.

Loading Guidelines-Volume 1

1 April 2024

- PDF - 3.9 Mb

Règles de Chargement-Tome 1

1 April 2024

- PDF - 4 Mb

Verladerichtlinien-Band 1

1 April 2024

- PDF - 3.3 Mb


LG Volume 2 sets out the principles for specific types of goods, developed in compliance with Volume 1 and/or based on practical experience, as well as methods laid down for different products.
This volume includes all the measures to be observed for the packaging and storage of goods.

Loading Guidelines-Volume 2

1 April 2024

- PDF - 8.8 Mb

Règles de chargement-Tome 2

1 April 2024

- PDF - 8.8 Mb

Verladerichtlinien-Band 2

1 April 2024

- PDF - 9 Mb


They are also available on the ETF website.

Their application contributes to operating safety and is structured in such a way to prevent damage to goods and wagons. The consignor, or shipper, is always responsible for the observance of these guidelines. Furthermore, in the event of non-compliance, the railway undertaking may refuse to take on the consignment.

Now, let’s have a closer look at what the LG offers:

  • designed to contribute to operating safety, ensuring damage-free conveyance of goods
  • contains the necessary instructions, data and examples regarding loading and securing of goods.
  • describes the loading condition and securing during the shipment procedure.

The instructions contained in the Loading Guidelines outline the minimum requirements. If necessary, they must be increased or extended after verification by the shipper. Used in conjunction with the indications on the loading gauge, the LG acts as an on hand check-list for the proper loading of goods.

Based on requirements from practice and an evolving framework, these Loading Guidelines are under constant development and thus updated once a year. Amendment submissions are accompanied by a significance test form and, if necessary, by a risk analysis to prove compliance.

How do you submit an amendment to Loading Guidelines?

  • The amendment proposal and significance test forms
  • All modification proposals or requests to add or change the content of the current UIC Loading Guidelines shall be produced by a UIC member
  • Each change request shall be assessed by a railway undertaking representative, who shall then determine the significance of the modification, and rule the necessity for a risk analysis conducted in accordance with CSM regulation.


Line categories / Catégories de lignes / Streckenklassen
the non-updated file has been archived in UIC Extranet in accordance with the decision of the Loading Guidelines Group of October 2023. The lines used by RUs are no longer published on the UIC website (LOCA). Information pertaining to the line categories to be used are to be taken from the infrastructure manager’s reference documents or to be requested from them.

Loading examples

Verladebeispiele / Exemples de chargement

A comprehensive list of colour coded Loading Examples for specific types of goods and wagons. By following these practices, YOUR specifically equipped and/or loaded wagons are ready for a safe journey.

Loading Examples offers an all-inclusive vital source of information for safe loading and load securing practices, not forgetting specific types of goods and wagons. This is achieved by meeting the provisions of LG Volume 1, and complementing them with LG Volume 2, to incorporate other types of loading practices for wagons fitted with special securing devices.

These sheets must be approved by the railway undertakings individually in order to be accepted in their respective framework safety management system. The acceptance is usually conditioned by conducted buffing and running tests. Loading Examples are listed by UIC in unified form.

Let’s have a closer look on what do the Colour Coded Loading Examples offer:

  • Blue - information on loading methods compliant with LG Volume 1 (published by UIC)
  • Pink - information on loading methods not fully compliant with LG Volume 1, subject to an agreement between railway undertakings
  • Yellow - information on loading methods for domestic traffic not fully compliant with LG Volume 1
Übersichtstabelletableau récapitulatifOverview table
in arbeit en travaux work in progress
Stand 01.04.2023 Etat : 01/04/2023 Status 01/04/2023
Blue and rosa loading examples-2023

- Excel - 71 kb


UIC Contact

For any further information please contact: Nathalie Libardi

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Friday 17 March 2017