


RAILISA (RAIL Information System and Analyses) is an online tool allowing users to visualise and download data provided by railway companies worldwide. Numerous indicators are available for more than 100 railway companies: length of lines and tracks on the infrastructure network, passenger and freight traffic (e.g. passenger-kilometres and tonne-kilometres), train movements, rolling stock, staff numbers, financial results, etc. Some of these indicators have been documented since 1995, and the database is updated frequently.

For further information, please consult the online user guide below or send an email to: stat at

Statistics Platform


  • Updating statistical indicators:
    Indicators evolve in line with developments within member companies. Changes to the structure of the railway business, in particular, have had a major impact on railway statistics. The specific business sectors covered by new members, especially newcomers, must also be taken into account. Users’ needs are changing as new topics emerge, such as environment and quality. The role of the Statistics Platform is to define new indicators and data collection.
  • Harmonisation of statistics concepts:
    This is one of the main tasks: if the concepts used are not harmonised, the data is not homogeneous and, as a result, any data analysis is distorted. Members vary greatly both in terms of legal status and areas of activity. It is increasingly difficult to make comparisons between companies (and groups) with companies being bought, made into subsidiaries or privatised. The coherence of railway statistics is at stake.
  • Cooperation:
    The Statistics Platform is a discussion forum for statistics experts. It offers a means of strengthening personal ties, thereby improving the quality of data provision and exchange.
  • Lobbying:
    By dint of its work and discussions, the Statistics Platform enables railway companies to speak with one voice when responding to the expectations and/or demands of international bodies. For instance, thanks to the efforts of the Statistics Platform, the new European regulation on railway statistics (91/2003) draws heavily on statistics collected by UIC with a view to avoiding duplication of work by the companies involved.


The Statistics Platform comprises all those in charge of statistics at UIC member companies. Other UIC members may also participate at their request.

The participating members are mandated by their employers and undertake to actively contribute to the work of the platform and to international cooperation regarding the provision and exchange of statistical information as defined by the platform.

The Steering Committee is composed of a number of members of the platform, along with the chairman and the UIC statistics experts involved in the different statistics working groups. The Steering Committee prepares and develops the tasks to be carried out at the behest of the Platform or on its own initiative in order to ensure appropriate follow-up on statistics activities, a domain in which there is continuous demand. The Steering Commiteee meets for two days, three times a year.

The Statistics Platform holds a Plenary Meeting in December each year.

The Chairman of the Statistics Group is Roman Štěrba of SŽCŽ.

UIC statistical indicators

Number of Passengers per Train - Railway Operators - 2022
Tonnes of Goods per Freight Train - Railway Operators - 2022
Proportion of Electrified Lines - Railway Infrastructure Managers - 2022

Rail transport in the world

Worldwide Rail Transport Regional Share - 2022
Passenger.kilometers, Tonne.kilometres and Line kilometers timeseries over the period 2004-2022
Railway Transport: Freight performance per GDP ppp - 2022
Railway Transport: Annual distance run per inhabitant - 2022
Railway Transport: Density of the network km of lines per 1000 km² - 2022

UIC Contact

For any further information please contact Railway Statistics Group.

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Tuesday 10 September 2024