The Working Group (WG) Sabotage, Intrusions and Attacks (SIA) deals with various topics concerning railway system disruptions. At the latest meeting, the WG concentrated on “security concepts of storage depots”. Under the chair of Marita-Annegret Grosser (DB AG) and in contribution with UITP, the participants deliberated about:
- Threat assessment: What are the main security issues (e. g. unauthorised access, vandalism, graffiti) you have to deal with? Which kind of trains (e.g. passenger, freight) are mainly affected?
- Architectural/Structural measures: What kind of architectural/structural measures does your company use, e. g. fences, plants? Which measures are planned or implemented to secure the trains and the freight (e.g. additional door lock)?
- Technical measures: Which security technology does your company use, e. g. CCTV, noise detection, air drones?
- Human resource measures: How is the patrol concept of the security guards organised?
- Procedural measures: How is the access control to and within the storage depot organised?
A very interesting presentation about rolling stock depots protection was given by the Portuguese intelligence services. The WG meeting ended with a technical visit to a storage depot.
The next meeting is planned for February 2018 and the WG remains open to UIC members.