Tuesday 13 October 2015
Data Modelling

5th UIC RailTopoModel and railML Conference – 4 November 2015, Paris

Towards a universal topology model for railways and exchange format for infrastructure

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This conference will demonstrate and provide you with the results we committed ourselves to in October 2013, at the onset of the project. Based on the experiences of ten European Infrastructure Managers, and after two years of work under auspices of UIC, a generic graph railway topology and infrastructure model was presented to the railway community in

October 2014: the “RailTopoModel” to be published by UIC as an International Railway Standard by the end of 2015.

This structuring foundation is designed to support fundamental activities in infrastructure asset management and train operations. Purpose is interoperability in railway data exchange, with a high level of quality, reliability and performance while reducing costs. Means are open standards and a shared toolset:

  • A common language on business objects: rail topology at all levels (tracks, lines, corridors), multiple referencing and positioning systems (linear, geographical), installations and properties (described by spot, linear, or surface objects), routes, business events (circulations, works, incidents), etc.
  • Standard format for data exchange, based on this structuring and quality proven model : railML3®, major version from railML.org
  • A first set of Open Source Tools to ease interoperability on railway data :
    • Quality Toolbox to check quality of raiML files (sender or receiver side)
    • Geographical Viewer to visualize railML files
  • A first operational application to generate specific “RINF xml” file directly from your generic railML file, to ensure quick, low cost, errorless data provision to the European
    Register of Infrastructure of ERA.

Indeed, one generic railML data extracts from your data repository will provide the answer to most business or regulatory requirements. In addition to those operational solutions, you will be presented some business cases and ongoing projects based on those bricks.

Register at: http://www.railml.org/index.php/rtm.html

Programme here: http://www.uic.org/events/spip.php?article3453

For further information please contact Airy Magnien, UIC: magnien at uic.org

Or Vasco Paul Kolmorgen, railML: coordination at railml.org

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