The annual meeting of the Non Integrated Reservation Tickets (NRT) working group was held from 9 – 11 June in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting was hosted by MAV-START and UIC was represented by Mr Luis Casado Presa, Senior Advisor within the Passenger and High Speed Department. Representatives came from Attica Group, CFL, ZSSK, CD, DB, TRAINOSE, PKP, DSB, NSB, NS, ÖBB, SNCB/NMBS, SZ, ZS, TRENITALIA and CIT.
Changes in the Special Conditions of Carriage, the Railplus discounts future and the graphic seat displays were subjects raised during the meeting. There was also an update on the TAP TSI; the CIT reported on the activities within their area, and there was a report of the RIT (Rail Inclusive Tour) working group which had met the day before, delivered by Mr Karl Winkler, chairman of this group. Presentations regarding new projects and developments were given by DSB – developments in ticketing – and DB on new anti fraud policies in cross border operations with France and the new ICE portal.
Alexander Masalowicz, president of the NRT meeting, announced his retirement from international affairs, so a new president had to be elected. Christiane Kraus (DB) and Natascha Hooft (SNCB/NMBS) presented themselves as candidates, and finally, after voting, Ms Hooft was elected.
The next meeting will take place in Luxembourg in May 2016.