Injuries and fatalities on the railway have fallen by 11% since its introduction June 2013 - Transport for London have adopted Network Rail’s “passport” to the railway infrastructure.
Our “passport” to working on railway infrastructure, Sentinel, has been adopted by Transport for London (TfL) for London Underground rail workers and for their supply chain.
A unique QR code on each Sentinal smart card is scanned to record data as the worker enters the worksite. A mobile app connected to a database checks each worker’s authorisation to work, medical records and qualifications.
Since the implementation of this version of Sentinel in June 2013, injuries and fatalities on the railway have fallen by 11 per cent.
There are currently 96,000 active Sentinel cardholders and this collaboration with TfL extends access to over 33,000 additional rail workers, which will increase over time as other parts of TfL adopt the smartcard.
There’s potential for the system to be rolled-out across the entire rail industry and become the gold standard in safety authentication.
Guy Wilmshurst-Smith, head of professional development and training at Network Rail, said “TfL’s use of Sentinel represents a significant milestone; not only will the two largest operators of the rail infrastructure be able to use the same system but Sentinel will also provide the opportunity to share data on double-shifting, fatigue management and competence restrictions.”
TfL programme director of infrastructure, George McInulty, says “We often use the same suppliers as Network Rail so it is sensible and safer to have the same processes and standards wherever we can, so they don’t have to switch between the two. Joining Network Rail in the use of the Sentinel ID card is a fantastic example of where we can come together to make our industry a safer and more joined up place to be.”
(Source: Network Rail)